Sober for October

Created by Lyn 6 years ago

mike and I had decided to give up alcohol for October to help raise money for Macmillan in memory of Jan. Many of our friends laughed at the thought of us not drinking for a whole 31 days and Jan wouldn't of believe we could of done it either. Well we did we went to The celebration of Jans life and drank tea even though the presecco was free. Jan would of been laughing at us I'm sure. Then a few weeks later was lyn's birthday and instead of celebrating the normal way with lots of alcohol we had tea and cake, but it's been worth it we have managed to raise

£150.00 for Macmillan and if this can go towards helping just one person then it's been worth it.

tomorrow night we will be raising a glass of wine to you Jan. We have so many wonderful memories of you.

Thank you for being in our lives over the last 30+ years.

Love to Paul Tara. Gemma and families xxxxx